Artwork collage2 Artwork collage2


"If victory is told in detail, one can no longer distinguish it from a defeat." - Jean-Paul Sartre

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Artist Statement

I paint my victories. I paint the defeats within my victories and victories within my defeats. Using bold and vibrant colours, with brushstrokes of passion, culture and femininity, these carefully considered paintings are imbued with deeply personal stories.

As an artist, I seek to capture parts of life that can’t really be explained but felt. The idea is to capture the intangible. Using predominantly oil paint, I tell stories of transformation. Love that becomes grief, emotional grief that becomes physiological pain. Pain that becomes a burden and burden that evolves into purpose. Movement, evolution and change are key elements of every story. I express this motion using emotive figures as vibrant blocks of colour dissect the composition of these paintings.

There’s this quote by René Daumal that states, there is a level of thought where words have no part to play. That level, is the starting point of my work. To me, each painting is an attempt. I attempt to convey what words cannot express. I attempt to give a physical representation to what exists without form.

Each painting is an attempt. And I fail… i miss the mark just by a little. I fail each time. So, I paint again. And again, and again and again. Painting for me, is a compulsion. I am compulsively trying to express what seems to be bigger than me. My paintings signify both my understanding and reaction to the world I was born into. It is a dialogue between myself and the world.


My Work
